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Federal Benefits Centers

Update Request Form

Federal Benefits Centers
Update Request Form

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Digital Coffee Meeting

Let's set aside a few minutes and have some coffee together. My meeting schedule is below.

About Us

The Federal Benefits Centers are a group of Licensed Professionals advising federal employees about smart financial decisions, tax strategies, income planning, insurance, estate planning, wealth transfer, and all federal benefits updates as well as calculating benefits, all available time buybacks and calculations.

  • FEGLI Updates
  • TSP Updates
  • Survivorship Planning
  • Tax Strategies
  • Social Security Planning
  • Tax Deferred and FREE Options
  • Calculating Sick Time
  • Deployment Time
  • Buyback Time
  • Incoming Planning
  • Retirement Planning

Want to Learn More?

Contact John Pleasants (#10379914) for more information.

John Pleasants

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Federal Benefits Centers